Zavod O, Zavod škofjeloške mladine was found by the Škofja Loka Students Club in 1999 when all the activities in the club became too numerous to manage in a strictly volunteer organisation and needed a more professional approach. Zavod O is a non-profit non-governmental and voluntary youth organization. The aim of all the activities is to raise the quality of life of Škofja Loka youth and also the quality of the local cultural and artistic program, IT and informal education.

The purpose of the activities is to create an environment for gaining practical experience, informal education. They encourage learning, volunteering and working mobility, and stimulate lifelong learning and intergenerational cooperation through various projects.

Our sections
Youth cultural centre At Red Oysters’
Youth cultural centre At Red Oysters’ offers a diverse program to young artists, performers and visitors five days a week. Concert hall is offering a place to perform music, host themed evenings, parties, theater performances, lectures and discussion. There is also a bigger concert venue in the clubs garden and the basement which serves as a band or DJ practice place. There are more than 150 events per year hosted in our club, all organized by the local youth, representing their various interests and talents.
Multimedia centre Pulsar
Multimedia centre Pulsar is an info-point, daily used as administrative and youth informational service in Škofja Loka. We provide free internet access, computer classes, free in-calling internet access point, equipment for video and audio recording, help with designing of the web-pages, flyers, posters, on MMC Server we host Internet pages of other non-profit organizations ... Multipurpose classroom it is used for organizational and other meetings and all the forms of non-formal education.
Art studio CLOBB
Art studio CLOBB (Computer land overtaken by body) is a youth centre of graphic arts where different generations develop their creative potentials. It is located in the old city centre and enables a variety of artistic activities – from workshops and classes to individual creating in photography, painting, ceramics and graphic design.
Zavod O International
Zavod O International was established because of our goal to expand our international activities. We are offering promotion and support to young people who want to be more active outside our borders mainly through Youth in Action and Erasmus for All programs.
NGO centre for Gorenjska region, 2011-2014
NGO centre for Gorenjska region is a project developed to empower and support other NGOs in the region. We offer different activities for NGO representatives in a form of counselling and organising lectures and workshops. We also put a lot of effort in NGO networking and civil dialogue.

Translated by Mojca Selak.

todorZavod O is a wonderful organization with great people… I created friendships that I hope will last a lifetime! I experienced incredible moments, for me it is a magical place!!!

Todor Ivanov, volunteer of group EVS project Zavod O – Oasis of Youth, summer 2013

Janis JurčenkoI came back to Škofja Loka as a long term EVS volunteer in organization ,,UrbanProd’’ (France, Marseille) to realize my personal project here, in Slovenia. I made this decision after doing a short term EVS in Škofja loka last year and spending my holidays here. I had unforgettable emotions which were caused by this place. Škofja loka, organization Zavod O, club ,,Pri rdeči ostrigi’’, all these places and people here are like human charger for me. Each time after visiting this place I have new emotions, experiences and I’m totally charged for new actions. As I said, I call this place a human charger, and for that I have a real reason. This is the place where people want to come back and the good thing is that Zavod O will allways welcome you with smile and kindness.

Jānis Jurčenko, volunteer of group EVS project Zavod O – Green heART, summer 2012

Viktoria ShnurovaIn my opinion organization Zavod O excellently copes with one of its main goals – raising the quality of life of Škofja Loka youth. Concerts and theme nights, various art and computer workshops, seminars and much more – all this makes lives of Škofja Loka inhabitants colorful and diverse. The big plus of Zavod O is its work with EVS volunteers, which allows organization to share experiences with young people from different countries and get their valuable international impact on both the organization and the local community generally.

Viktoria Shnurova, volunteer of EVS project Zavod O – Europe Unites, 2012-2013

Marko PircI cooperate with Zavod O for last seven years. I found my way into the organisation first as a volunteer at MKC Pri rdeči ostrigi, then i countinued my career as operator at Multimedia center Pulsar, where i became the coordinator of the section. Because of the good company the work was always a pleasure for me and it gave me a posibility to learn and to advance. The most satisfying think for me is possibility to work in team, where we can arrange our work almost autonomous, and where we can be free with our creativity. I don’t regret any experience in Zavod O.

Marko Pirc, coordinator at MMC Pulsar, 2013

silviaZavod O is one of the pillars of culture, art and education in Škofja Loka. The 3 centers that make up the organization are responsible to implement new proposals to enrich the cultural and social life of the people. Zavod O is full of workers with new ideas, besides bringing volunteers from different parts of Europe, made for introducing new cultures in the town.

Silvia Prieto, volunteer of EVS project Zavod O – Europe Unites, 2012-2013

Jānis AizpurietisZavod O is my host organisation in my EVS project. I am really happy with organisation work and that I am here. Being here opens a lot of possibilities to travel and to know a lot of people and other cultures. Here are good living conditions and nice attitude from others. In Zavod O organisation you can relax in different parties and also you can get a good experience in non formal education.

Jānis Aizpurietis, volunteer of EVS project Zavod O – Good Vibes at MDC Blok, 2013

Wilson VerstrekenDuring my work experience at Zavod O is gained a lot of professional knowledge on professional and social level. It’s an experience who will stay always in my mind.

Wilson Verstreken, volunteer of EVS project Zavod O – United in Diversity, 2010-2011

aniI’ve helped as a volunteer in almost all sections of Zavod O and I am impressed how easy the brands cooperate with each other. The leaders in the organization know how to motivate and inspire. Employees come with a desire to work and make something out of nothing, the bosses are geniuses in their field of activity and wonderful people from whom you can learn and charge.

Anastasiya Chervenyakova, volunteer of EVS project Zavod O – Active Youth at DC Ω , 2013

Tamar KochiashviliZavod O is the organization full with different interesting and genious people, who has right ambition and strength to change not only local environment . People in the organization and out there in Slovenia generally, are amazing, impressive and shocking with their hospitality, rich culture, positivity, kind personality… I would recommend Zavod O and its sections as the one of the best place you can discover yourself in better ways.

Tamar Kochiashvili, volunteer of group EVS project Zavod O – Green heART, summer 2012

Alexandros Alouanli KalathasZavod O is a very good organization. I’ve been as a volunteer in this organization for two months and had a very good experience… And people I met were very hospitable. Zavod O rules :)

Alexandros Alouanli Kalathas, volunteer of group EVS project Zavod O – Green heART, summer 2012
Zavod O
Mestni trg 20
4220 Škofja Loka
+ 386 40 477 640
[email protected]